Easy Rhythm
The Basics of Counting and Meter
Course Description This course is designed to walk you through basic rhythm and give you an opportunity to practice those rhythms with examples accompanied with audio clips. You will become much more acclimated to counting rhythms with quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, dotted half notes, dotted quarter notes, and eighth notes; as well as counting in both simple and compound time signatures.
What You Need To Know
By the End of The Course You Will Be Able To:
How Long It Will Take to Finish the Course
Slow/Moderate Learners
1 week per unit x 4 units = 4 weeks
Fast Learners
1/2 week per unit = 2 weeks
1 week per unit x 4 units = 4 weeks
Fast Learners
1/2 week per unit = 2 weeks