It's not always it? Those of us that celebrate the Holidays at this time of the year, are focused on family and friends and sharing love with those in our lives. While that is wonderful for many, a lot of people are facing an empty chair at the table, a missing stocking on the mantle, or are simply celebrating...alone. It isn't always easy to get through the Holiday Season with all of that bubbly joy and festiveness that we are "supposed" to be feeling. Why? Because we're missing someone that we love... or, we could be losing someone that we love. Joy could be the last thing you're feeling right now. And comfort, is what you need most. When we're sad, it's hard to activate a lot of "self-care". We just don't have the energy. It's important to understand that these feelings are all completely legitimate; so no self-judging allowed. Instead, accept where you are in life right now, and be gentle on yourself. There is actually help...right at your own fingertips. Go sit down at your piano, put your hands over the keyboard, and just press down. Play. Just play. When you play your piano, you open up a dialogue with your own heart and emotions. Words don't work here because emotions don't come through words, they come through feelings. Music, is the language of emotions and feelings. It is through your piano playing, that you can connect with your emotions and give them an outlet. It helps you to embrace them, honor them, and even release them. In this space, you don't have to explain anything, defend anything, or even understand anything intillectually. It's all about letting the music speak for your brain (in a sense), directly to your emotional self, and it invites those feelings to come out and express themselves in a nurturing enviornment. As we move closer to allowing ourselves to feel whatever grief, pain, sorrow we have, especially through our piano playing, we end up being comforted, because that awareness, acceptance, and expression, brings healing. Our music...our piano playing, is one of the most amazing "tools" we actually have, that can effectively nurture our souls. Science has shown that Music works theraputically for all kinds of people facing depression, dementia, physical challenges, brain disorders, etc. The beneficial effects of playing our own music are even greater! There is something very empowering in knowing that you can go anytime to your keyboard to give a voice to your feelings, provide a safe place for them to be expressed, and receive the gentle comfort of release and healing. Let your piano playing love on you this year...right after comfort...comes Joy! Stay Tuned to to learn more and achieve your dreams of playing the piano! |
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June 2020